Mirror Work Tips

Mirror Work Tips

Have you ever observed the relationship between the sun and the moon? The moon is basically the sun's mirror because it reflects the sun's light.....but the color of the light isn't the same as the sun. The energy or the feeling isn't the same either. Neither is the fullness or the cycle. Yet everything is in harmony between the two. And to an observer, the actions of both are predictable. We know that the sun will not rise at an exact time daily but it will rise. We also know that the moon cycle will not be exactly the same each month but based on past events, we can predict the full moon or new moon dates.

If we look at ourselves with the same lens of observation, we can agree that "how we look" isn't the same as "how we are or how we feel". We can also agree that others will see us as they see themselves and that has nothing to do with our reality. We don't control outside factors or influences, the best we can do is to reflect the best of self and these tips are for just that. Because what we give (like the sun) is reflected (like the moon) in our lives. Without going too deep into never-ending philosophical thoughts, let's do some mirror work.

The first thing you're going to do is clean all the mirrors in your home. Then choose one mirror as your primary mirror work tool. I prefer a mirror that I can see the top part of my body in but I have worked with ones that are only big enough to see my face in and they all work just fine. Don't worry about insignificant details. As long as you have a clean mirror, you're ready. If you have some sage, cleanse your mirror with the sage smoke. Use an incense or candle if you don't have sage. 

1- When you are ready, look into your eyes and just see yourself. Just be! Keep looking into your eyes with love for a minimum of 2 minutes. (If this is your first time doing mirror work this way, you'll more than likely cry and that's okay. Just keep looking into your eyes. You can soothe yourself by hugging self or by caressing your arms or heart)

2- Talk to yourself. What emotions are coming up? What are you feeling? Where do you feel stuck in life? Who do you feel hurt by? (Again, if this is your first time, you may feel overwhelmed by many emotions at the same time. Give yourself grace and know that you can only pick the dominant emotion and work with that for now. You'll have time later/another day to work on more)

3- Now that you've picked the most pressing emotion/feeling. Ask yourself where it's coming from. Keep looking into your eyes. When you remember where it's coming from, ask the purpose of this experience. What is it teaching you? Are you gaining any benefits from it even though it feels painful? Is it even yours or did you pick it up from a parent, family member, spouse, culture, religion, church etc.?

4- Now that you have clarity, ask yourself what you'll miss out on if you let this go or transform it? Is this still serving a purpose in your life? If so, how can you heal it so you can move forward? If the emotions are linked to another person, how can you harmonize your relationship with them while keeping your self love and self respect a top priority? How will you benefit by releasing your anger, disappointment and grudges? 

5- With this clarity, you imagine seeing yourself in the mirror as the version of yourself who has already healed this. How does that feel? Do you feel light? Do you feel radiant? Keep looking into your eyes and say thank you a few times. Add statements like "I'm so thankful to have healed or released the blank. I enjoy the freedom that came with releasing the past about blank"

6- For best results, do mirror work frequently. If you don't have anymore emotions coming up to work on, congratulations on your healing. At this point, you can repeat your favorite affirmations while looking into your eyes.

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